Morphing – fürdőkád
Morphing – BATHTUB
Morphing Collection embodies a blend of tradition and contemporary aesthetics, new materials, and echoes of classic styles.
Sculptural and sophisticated, surprisingly ‘familiar’ – yet totally innovative – Morphing results from the partnership of archetypical forms (impressed in the memory of every one of us), with innovative aesthetics.
Sculptural and sophisticated, surprisingly ‘familiar’ – yet totally innovative – Morphing results from the partnership of archetypical forms (impressed in the memory of every one of us), with innovative aesthetics.
It represents the metamorphosis of the bathroom-to-be: owing to a strategic manufacturing project, based on the use of few moulds, Morphing enables multiple formal and spatial solutions, and offers a vast range of models.
A contemporary reinterpretation of the classic ‘bath tub on legs’, Morphing/ Bath Tub offers innovative aesthetics, comfortable ergonomics, and a soft and velvety feel.
A contemporary reinterpretation of the classic ‘bath tub on legs’, Morphing/ Bath Tub offers innovative aesthetics, comfortable ergonomics, and a soft and velvety feel.

Ludovica+Roberto Palomba_designer: “We believe that good projects already exist in a sort of collective imagery, and that our mission consists in identifying these unconscious needs, give them form and introduce them to the world. A product, which will be chosen by an infinite number of people we don’t know, will therefore feel surprisingly familiar right from the first glance. Morphing Collection resumes this idea: we drew inspiration from some classical shapes and make them contemporary by using innovative materials such as Cristalplant.”

Also available in the two-coloured versions, white and red and white and black, this product is destined to change the traditional perception of the bath tub element for ever.
Versatile Cristalplant® has enabled the creation of a ‘panelled’ version of monolithic, sculptural appeal.

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